FAQs - Buying/Renting
Why should I rent or buy from Acoustic Strings?
Acoustic Strings sells and rents out high quality, European instruments. All of our instruments are set up by hand by a dedicated team of professionals, and have a great sound that you and your audiences will love! The quality and and handling of our products ensures that you will spend less time on set up and more time playing and being inspired! Build equity towards ownership while you rent with us, and rest easy knowing that we will handle maintenance and minor damages. You’re in good hands!
Do you offer Equity programs?
Good news! All of our rental programs are Rent-to-Own! What does this mean? A portion of every payment you make on your rental is counted as equity towards ownership of your final size instrument. When your student is finally ready to own their full size instrument, your accumulated equity is subtracted from the cost of that instrument! If you are ready for this step in your musical journey, please contact us.
How do I rent an instrument from ASNE?
It’s easy! Simply click on the “Rent with Us” link in the menu at the top of the page, create an account with us, and follow the prompts to submit your application. All of our rental terms are available for you on the very first page, and if you have any questions, we are just a phone call or email away.
Oh no! I need to make changes to my rental application! What do I do?
No problem! Send us an email with your information, or give us a call, and we'll make the adjustments for you.
When will I be charged for my monthly/annual rental?
Your card will be charged on the day that we process your order, and will be continually charged monthly/annually on that day until you either return your instrument or decide to purchase.
What does the “insurance charge” cover exactly?
The small insurance fee covers all potential repairs and the replacement of some parts, like broken strings, end pins, bridges, etc. There is a deductible if it's lost, stolen, or heavily damaged.
How do I update my information on file?
You can update your information, including your credit card, on our Customer Portal. Simply log in with the email you signed up with and go from there. If you need any assistance, please give us a call and we can help you or update your info for you. We kindly ask that you keep your information with us as current as possible for contact and payment purposes.
How do I buy an instrument? Can I buy it online?
Currently we do not sell instruments via an online platform or through an online form. Call us or send us an email to set up an appointment, and we will show you our great instruments available for purchase.
How do I return my instrument/discontinue my rental?
We make this process as quick and easy as possible. Simply send us an email and we will work with you to make pick up/drop off arrangements that work for you!
FAQs - Instrument Care
How do I take care of my instrument?
Be sure to return your instrument to its case when you're not using it, and make sure to securely zip it up and close its latches. This is the best way to prevent damage! Make sure your case is in a safe storage location where it won't be knocked over and won't be exposed to the elements/extreme temperatures. DO NOT store your case upside down! That puts pressure on the bridge and the instrument; leave the case on it's side or upright. Remove your shoulder rest/any other accessories from your instrument when you put it back in the case.
Since the instruments are wooden they are very sensitive to seasonal changes, temperatures, and humidity/dryness. DO NOT leave your instrument in extremely cold or hot temperatures, and NEVER leave your instrument in the car on a hot summer day or in the winter. Instruments should stay in comfortable temperatures (not too hot and not too cold) at home or school. Dryness is an instrument's worst enemy, and too much dryness can cause the wood in an instrument to crack and sometimes split! We recommend using a humidifier when using heat in New England homes during the winter, or buying a "dampit", which is a mini humidifier that you can put in the instrument's case to ensure it's properly humidified. A humidity gauge is a good way to be able to determine what the humidity level is in your home.
How do I take care of my bow?
Try not to touch the bow hairs with your fingers; this will cause muted spots on the bow from the natural oils on your hands. It is very important to loosen the hairs of the bow when you are not playing your instrument. Tighten your bow only when you use your instrument, and rosin the bow before playing. If there is not enough rosin the bow will slip around on the strings and will produce little or no noise. When you first get your instrument make sure you apply lots of rosin, because new bows need extra rosin to get started! If your rosin is too smooth you might have difficulty applying rosin to the bow; scratching the rosin lightly with sandpaper to make grooves will help. Too much rosin will make a scratchy sound, and will also cover the instrument with rosin dust! Your teacher will be able to show you how to properly take care of your bow and how to use it.
How do I clean my instrument?
You can use a clean cloth to wipe off extra rosin from the strings and dust from the instrument, but you do NOT need to clean the instrument with soap or wood cleaner because that could ruin the wood, varnish, and sound. Only a SMALL amount of violin polish should be used to polish the instrument, and make sure you have your teacher or a luthier show you how to properly clean it if you are unsure how to do so. You can use a clean cloth to wipe off the bow, but do not wipe off the bow hairs.
What do I do about tuning pegs that won't move or are slipping out?
If your pegs are slipping then they might not have been pushed in enough; tuning with pegs requires not only turning the pegs but pushing in and out! Your teacher will be able to help you with more tuning and peg issues. Sometimes temperature and humidity changes causes the pegs to stick, which makes it hard to turn them. If the pegs are stuck (and you're having trouble moving or turning them) give us a call or send us an email, and we can take care of that issue for you. If you open up your case and find that all your pegs are loose it's because your home is too dry; we recommend you get a humidifier in the winter.
What should I do if something is broken or damaged?
Please contact us as soon as possible; we recommend that you do not try to fix it yourself! Do NOT use glue on broken parts or cracks. If your instrument is cracked loosen the strings, and we will take care of the rest.